The Ψ-factor / psi-factor allows an environmentally sustainable generation of blocks with enhanced privacy and security to unforeseen levels of interoperability and scalability.
Chamelyon system marks the beginning of a new Internet Era where smartphones and other mobile/ non-customary devices serve as nodes of the network. Through our crypto ecosystem, privacy and security are intrinsic to the technology by default, with certified data ownership through innovative encryption functions, accessible to every user.
This, in turn, elevates the scalability of transactions in number and rates, which is made possible bypassing the role that aggregators. The psi-enhanced decentralization will increase trust in transactions among users and drastically decrease the costs. By leveraging proprietary communication and encryption protocols, Chamelyon simplifies by great degrees the exchange of information, resources, and financial transactions.
This is a new auto-certification model that enhances the efficiency, speed, and security in the crypto World.
The range of applicability of Chamelyon technology embraces every realm of IT-based life: ecommerce, social platforms, contracts management, online newspapers, social media posts systems, booking systems, supply chain management, tracking systems, invoice and payments, advertising, gaming, voting systems, sharing virtual and physical resources…
The use of Chamelyon technology will constitute the means and circuit to ensure the independence of all the transactions bypassing intermediaries and associated costs.
Chamelyon is a revolutionary IT concept changing blockchains to a greener, smarter, more secure, and faster technology.